Get all questions answered in one 30 minutes long online meeting
We will price your project in real time using our online configurator
We will check your current supplier pricing
We will sort out: deliveries, customs paperwork and planning
We will cover anything else you need to know about steel doors
Why steel door dealers choose us?

Fastest lead times
Our customers appreciate the fast turnaround time - in 2024, the average waiting time for an ordered door was just 42 days, allowing us to complete projects quickly and efficiently.

Online Configurator
Our clients, window and door dealers, use our online configurator, which significantly reduces the time needed for steel door quotes. This accelerates the sales process and increases its efficiency.

B2B focus
We focus exclusively on B2B sales, so we do not compete with your company in the local market - in addition, if you become our trusted partner, we will redirect individual customers from your region directly to you.

Export paperwork
We handle all transport and export customs paperwork for shipments outside the EU, ensuring a smooth and worry-free process.

Weekly shipments
Our clients save on transportation costs as we organize weekly shipments to various European countries and the UK. By optimizing routes and combining orders, we eliminate the need for expensive dedicated transport.

White label
You can manufacture doors with us, which you will sell under your brand name, and we will not disclose the fact of our collaboration.
Typical process

Tons of emails

Time consuming collection of offers
Our process

One online meeting

Online configurator for real-time pricing
Online configurator
We have a dedicated online platform available to our Trade Partners exclusively. Become a dealer and start using our online quoting tool!
Want to know how much your business can gain from
importing steel doors from Poland?
with real time pricing